

domingo, 3 de mayo de 2015



Bern is the capital and center of political power. It is located in a loop of the Aare River and has a variegated and picturesque ridden streets of unmistakable medieval aspect that have been declared by UNESCO Heritage of Mankind downtown

Lucerne is on the edge of Lake Lucerne in a truly beautiful setting. The prosperity of the city in its medieval period is perfectly reflected in the houses of the city center and wooden bridges that cross the river Reuss. The most characteristic is the Kapellbrücke, 200 meters long, it has a structure with a roof and describes a curve in its path to reach the opposite bank.


Lausana was a bishop in medieval city that retains much of its appeal despite having become an economic and financial center of large multinationals. It is nestled in a fairly rugged terrain with steep streets and stairs.


It is difficult to talk about Swiss national cuisine culinary tradition is based, by geography, in three different culinary cultures: French, German and Italian. It is therefore not surprising that being a small country customs mix with each other and end up merging.

The best of its cooking is its excellent products, from meat to milk, to vegetables. Neuchatel fish, carp Rhine, cheeses, chocolate (they were the inventors) or Valois wines are justly famous.


The Swiss weather is dominated by the alpine chain that covers much of the territory. It has the typical characteristics of the mountains: cold and heavy snowfall. However, winter temperatures are milder in remote mountainous regions formations. The tempered zone occurs in the region of Ticino, which is an area of transition to the Mediterranean.

Rainfall is abundant, and in the higher elevations of mountain ranges the heaviest rains recorded. Rainfall occurs mostly during the spring and fall.
Swiss temperature and rainfall weather


Switzerland has provided to Europe with great thinkers and artists such as the painter Paul Klee; novelist and playwright Max Frisch; Paracelso, the founder of modern medical science; the architect Le Corbusier, the champion of modern architecture; the philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau or psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung.
Paul Klee - Surrealism


Switzerland was inhabited in antiquity by Celtic tribes were defeated by the Romans, who took over the entire territory, which they called Helvetia. The early settlement, which eventually gave way to large populations, were conducted in strategic locations in the Alps

The Romans were gradually losing ground in their dominance of the region to the Germanic tribes, around the V century, they dominated almost throughout Switzerland. Subsequently, the country became part of the Holy Roman Empire, however, the weakening of the central power caused some feudal dynasties, including the Habsburgs, the real owners of some regions.

During the sixteenth century, the religious reforms preached by Zwingli and Calvin found widespread support some cantons which caused a religious schism between them. Some of them remained faithful to Catholicism, but others embraced the Protestant Reformation. After many armed conflicts, the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 ended to the Thirty Years' War and thirteen cantons declare their independence from the Holy Empire.


Switzerland is the quintessential alpine state, shares a border with Italy, France, Germany, Austria and Liechtentein.

Geographically it can be divided into three broad areas: the Alps; the highlands, which represent almost 40% and Jura. Between the Alps and the Jura lies a land of hills and plateaus that concentrates most of the 200 Swiss lakes.

The Swiss landscape is, in general, really spectacular, both in the valleys and mountains that form the waterfalls in their melting snow. The dominant color in all the land is green vegetation and white snow

sábado, 2 de mayo de 2015


Switzerland evokes a good cluster of topics: irresitible chocolates, watches of excellent quality, international bureaucracies and an orderly national personality.

Switzerland could be neutral but certainly never be insipid. the fuision of ingredients, Germans, French and Italians formed a robust national culture, besides the Alpine landscapes have enough attractions to invigorate the most weary traveler.  The indomitable majesty of the Alps and the neat and orderly precision of Swiss towns prevent Switzerland is so one-dimensional as many scholars seek.